January 12, 2008

Just an update...

I wanted to thank everyone who prayed for Trae. I am so sad to report that he is no longer with us. It has been a rough week for my family. My cousin Monica (Trae's Mom) brought him to the doctor last Thursday night around midnight and she was told he had a sinus infection (even after a CT scan showed some abnormalities). They went home and by the time he woke up Friday morning things had gotten so bad that he was really out of it. Monica called the ambulance and they brought him to Children's Hospital where they immediately knew something was wrong. They figured out he had a sinus infection but that it had progressed into meningitis. By that point, it was so severe and was such an aggressive infection, there was nothing they could do. IT was such a freak thing. Things like this really make you reevaluate what is really important. I have worked so hard this past year I feel like I don't get enough time to truly enjoy my babies or my husband. I have decided that this year, things will be different. As much as I LOVE my business and my clients, I am a Mom first and a photographer second. It also makes me realize how important my job is. You never ever know what life has in store for us. I only wish I had gotten the chance to photograph my cousin and her beautiful son Trae before this happened. She had an appointment scheduled this summer and I had to change it because I was so busy. I think I will ALWAYS feel guilty for that. Please continue to pray for my cousin Monica and everyone else who loved Trae. I can only imagine what she is going through. No one should ever have to loose a child. There is a memorial fund set up in Trae's honor at the Roundbank here in Waseca if anyone is interested in donating. Thanks for listening to me ramble. Now, go give your kids a hug...

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Our prayers in Canada are with you and your family.