July 22, 2007

Here are some more recent sessions! I photographed 3 weddings this month on top of all of this so it's been a little crazy! I'll post some wedding images soon :) For now here are a few of my favorites... This is my husband and baby at the park. LOVE THIS!! Here are my boys walking. I got this blown up for my wall ;) This was a fun studio session. It's nice when the kids are so easy to work with (unlike my own LOL). This is my friends baby. I think she is just gorgeous! Her Mom and I chatted so much before her session started that she got kind of crabby on us. We still managed to get some cute shots though :) This little guy is a repeat client. We decided to do an outdoor session so he could run and play and be himself. He is BUSY but he sure is fun to photograph!!! I did an on location family session for this group. We did family shots first but the individual stuff is always my favorite because I love capturing each childs personality. Stunning family, huh! Keep an eye out for this next face! She's an AWESOME singer/songwriter and we did some shots for her demo CD cover. I told her I was going to put her on my 'Senior' website because she's so pretty ;) Her husband has been in Iraq for 2 years and is FINALLY coming home this week! Here's another gorgeous family that I photographed on location. The kids were SO good. I really enjoyed them. The littlest boy even cried when I left because we got to be friends ;) SO CUTE!!!!! I really love this image for some reason... And LAST but not least...meet a sweet little baby girl. I really wanted to take her home. She was sooo good! We got sleeping AND awake pictures wich is always awesome... Thanks for looking :)

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