Sooo, alot of my clients ask about my kids and why I don't have any big pictures of them on the wall. I thought I'd just show you rather than try to explain.
Me: "Ok boys let try to take a REALLY good picture for Mommy. I want to put a big one on my wall!! Ready?"

"Ok just sit still for a minute....

"Alright this isn't working. Let's try something different. We'll put Ashton in the chair so he doesn't run away."

"Aidan, it's ok, you can sit in the chair next time..."

"Yeah, Ok this isn't working either. Let's try sitting on the floor again..."
(this is the...MOM...are we DONE yet look HA HA)

"Ok sit right there....but wait, No...No, don't squeeze your brother quite so hard."

"OK STOP. Try just one hand around him."

"AIDAN WILL YOU JUST BE NICE AND TAKE A PICTURE!?!?! Tell your Brother Sorry and then just sit nice!"

"Ok, Jamie (my husband) you need to come here and try to make them behave."
(he starts dancing around like an idiot behind me...)

Not EXACTLY what I had in mind, but cute and seriously at this point....I'd take what I can get HA HA. Now maybe you'll understand why I don't do sessions with my own kids often ;) It's fun when the rowdy kids are someone elses HA HA! I think alot of people with a few young kids can relate! I suppose this is why I always say getting a nice picture together is SO hard. It's difficult to get both kids looking (and sitting still, not to mention smiling etc) at the same time. Needless to say, I enjoy doing portraits of each boy alone MUCH better LOL. Here are a few of my favorites!

Little Aidan...It's a good thing he's so cute because he is CRAZY!

The baby is a little more reserved!

He was also OVER this whole picture thing at this point so this is all I got of him. Oh well. Another day maybe??? Remind me to have a few drinks first, ok?
Jen, they are ADORABLE!!!!! I can't believe how big Ashton is. That series is hysterical. I think you SHOULD hang them on the wall so people don't feel bad when their own kids act like that. LOL
okay, that sequence had me belly laughing. how cute are they? thanks for sharing ;-)
Hi Jen.....we met this summer at Tim Babin's workshop...that series of photos totally cracked me up!! I have some of those same neck strangling images from my 4 and 2 year 5 and 3 but it hasn't gotten any better!! Your work is so fun to look at!! I am off to look at your seniors!
LOL...this was the funniest thing I've read in a long time, I love it! I also love to hear that someone as talented as you has trouble getting HER kids to sit still for a photo too! :) Ashton's gotten SO BIg!
Oh Jen, my goodness they are PRECIOUS!!!!!! I miss you! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your pictures!! I hope someday i can learn to be just a "little" bit like you in photography and editing.
that's a good one. i can totally relate. it will get better!
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