September 17, 2007

Stunning, Gorgeous, Beautiful....

Seems like that is all I've been doing these days is photographing beautiful people! I mean SERIOUSLY is it even fair to look like this? Kristin is getting married in Mexico this winter so we did a bridal session for her. LOVE how they turned out. This is totally my style ;-)
This is my little buddy Max. His Mommy is one of my bestest friends! I even got to be at his birth so he is special to me. I can't believe he's so big already! (sigh). And then here are a few sneak peeks for last weeks seniors. I had SOO much fun with Jennifer. She works next door at Cassie's Classic Cuts (go there if you ever need your hair done...they ROCK!). Anyway, I love how the pictures turned out. Here are just a couple I grabbed. This is Josh, he can do some crazy moves with his Basketball! AND FINALLY meet Marc. He's taken flying lessions and hopes to pursue aviation after he graduates. Those planes scare me but...what do I know ;-)
I guess that's about all for tonight!! OH and just a few FYI's. I am leaving on Sunday for a photography convention in SUNNY FLORIDA! WOO HOO! I'll be gone from the 23rd-29th. ALSO I am currently booked until mid-January. SORRY to any seniors or those who may wanted holiday photos :-( We are looking for a bigger studio so next year I can hopefully have some help and fit more sessions in! Wish me luck.

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