July 9, 2007

As promised, here are some more images from recent sessions!! :) It was a week of newborns. I had two itty bitty babies come in! This little guy was only 5 days old! SO SWEET!!!!

This little one was a few weeks older but he was SOO good! He gave us such GOOD smiles! I wanted to take him home... This session was really REALLY FUN for me. Why do boys always get eyelashes like this? No fair!!! These 3 boys were adorable as well. I had a hard time narrowing them down! Here are a few from a family session. The youngest reminds me of my little Aidan! Full of energy! We were lucky to get a few good group shots which is hard with little ones sometimes! Seriously, don't I photograph GORGEOUS KIDS? I feel like I always say this but WOW... Here's one of my favorite little girls. She's been coming to me since she was a newborn! they grow so fast. SUCH a sweet personality. I just had to throw this in here. It wasn't from a session. This is my little neighbor girl and possibly the cutest baby EVER. We were grilling out a few weeks ago and I snapped a few pictures of her. She is SO funny. Here she is giving me the look ;-)

Can you tell I've been busy? Add a few weddings on top of all of this and you get one stressed photographer HA HA.

ALSO....I wanted to let you all know that ALL SUMMER appointments are completely booked. I absolutely can not squeeze anything else in. I do have a few openings in September and October left but not many. Just keep this in mind if your thinking of scheduling something. THANKS!!

1 comment:

Cheera said...

"ALSO....I wanted to let you all know that ALL SUMMER appointments are completely booked. I absolutely can not squeeze anything else in."

Ooops...sorry, Jen...I had no idea you were so popular, and yet I'm not surprised! Everyone has discovered my secret!