October 15, 2007

SO cute

Did I ever mention how much I just adore photographing kids? LOVE them. Here are a few recent cuties... And I suppose I'll share a few of my kids! We went to the park Saturday and of course I brought my camera. It's a nightmare trying to get the baby to look at me. He is SO busy. This age is really hard. I must really look like an idiot at the park doing crazy things so the kids will laugh at me. OH WELL... Aidan is 3 now and he is a much more cooperative model (I can bribe him LOL) Here I said 'DON'T SMILE' and he did this: And then this: THEN I told him to smile for Santa Claus if he wanted presents (I am going to hell...) Ashton is 18 months and pretty much is naughty LOL. You don't even want to know what I was doing here to make him laugh... Pretty much the rest of the shots looked like this- I just love them so much Thanks for letting me share :-) Hopefully we see some sunny weather this week! It has been so BLAH lately. Cross your fingers!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Jenny - I'm totally laughing at the santa comment. These are too cute!!