November 9, 2007

Josh and Megan...

I had the pleasure of photographing Josh and Megan's wedding a few weeks ago. It was such a fun day and everything was just perfect. The wedding was HUGE so we didn't have as much of a chance to get outside and do the crazy pictures, but we did get alot of nice formal shots. Here are a few of my favorites from the day... The cute couple :-) gooorrrgeousss! She looked at me like I was crazy when I asked her to lay down LOL... One of the flowergirls: The groom (he loved taking pictures HA HA) A quick snap of the entire wedding party (TOLD YOU IT WAS BIG) The sister-in-laws ;-) CUTE little baby LuLu (her Daddy was in the wedding party) And I just have to throw this in here because it is just TOO sweet. This is my little guy and his 'girlfriend' who was the flowergirl when they saw each other for the first time at the wedding reception. HEE HEE HEE... The cake- First Dance- You can just see the love on Dad's face during the Father Daughter dance- Hope you guys live Happily Ever After ;-) Thanks for letting me be a part of your special day! (by the way, Heather, I made sure to post this tonight so you would have something to read tomorrow at work. Your Welcome HA HA).

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