November 19, 2007

Late night updates!!

Here I am working late again LOL. Why do I have so much energy at 1am? I'm so not a morning person. ANYWAY, while I'm up I figured I should update the blog with some more recent stuff! I have to show off these GORGEOUS maternity photos I did recently. They are my new favorites! I just love them. They were the sweetest couple ever too so that made it even more fun! I can't wait for the newborn session! Here are a few recent seniors.... Carrie- LOVE her eyes: Marcie- Grace- AND LAST but NOT least, my new favorite Engagement photo: I hope you all enjoyed the previews! I'm TRYING to get caught up. I can't believe it's already Thanksgiving this week. YIKES. One more thing...they started digging for the new studio today! I can't wait to post some pictures once there is a little more progress. It's going to be AWESOME! I can't wait... GOOD NIGHT ;-)

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